Monday, July 20, 2009


..... the odius egoistic impulse that had emerged in her.....

Freud was born in 1856 and he studied medicine at the university of Vienna. He live in Vienna for the greater part of his life at a period when the cultural life of the city was flourishing. He specialized early on in radiolofy. Toward the close of the last century, and far into our own , he developed his 'depth psychology' or psychoanalysis.
Psychoanalysis is a description of the human mind in general as well as a therapy for nervous and mental disorders. His theory of unconscious is necessaru to an understanding of what a human being is.
Freud held that there is a constant tension between man and his surroundings. In particular, a tension or conflict between his drives and needs and demandsof society. It is no exaggeration to say an important exponent of the naturalistic currents that we were so prominent toward the end of the nineteenth century.
Our actions are not always guided by reason. Man is not really such a rational creature as the eighteenth century rationalists liked to think. Irrational impulses often determine what we think, what we dream, and what we do. Such irrational impulses can an expression of our basic drives or needs. The human sexual drive , for example, is just as basic as the baby's instinct to sucle.
This in itself was so new discovery. But freud showed that these basic needs can be disguised or sublimate, thereby steering our actions without being aware of it. He also showed that infants have some sort of sexuality. The respectable middle class Viennese reacted with abhorrence to this suggestion of the 'sexuality of the child' and mad him very unpopular.
We call it Victorianism, when everything to do with sexuality is tabo. Freud first became aware of children's sexuality during his practice of psychotherapy. So he had an empirical basis for his claims. He had also seen how numerous forms of neurosis or psychological disorders could be traced back to conflicts during childhood. He gradually developed a type of therapy that we call the archeology of the soul.
An archeologist searches fot the traces of the distant past by digging through layers of cultural history. He may find knife from the fourteenth century and even deeper down perhaps an urn from the fifth century B.C. In a similar way, the psychoanlyst , with patient's help, can dig deep into the patient's mind and bring to light the experiences that could have caused the patient's psychological disorder, since accoroding to Freud, we store the memory of all our experiences deep inside us. The analyst perhaps can discover an unhappy experience that the patient has tried to suppress for many years, but which has nevertheless lain buried, gnawing away at the patient's resources. By bringing a' traumatic experience' into conscious mind and holding it upto the patient ' be done with it' and get well again.
When we came into the world, we live out our physical and mental needs quite directly and unashamedly. If we donot get milk, we cry, or maybe we cry if we have a wet daiper. we also give direct expression to our desire for physical contact and body warmth. Freud called this 'pleasur principle' in us the id. We carry the id, or or pleasure principle, with us into adulthood and adjust to our surroundings. We learn to regulate pleasur principle in relation to the' reality principle'. In Freud's terms , we develope, we develope an ego which has this regulative function. Even though we want or need something, we cannot just lie down and scream until we get what we want or need.
We may desire something very badly that the outside world will not accept. We may repress our desires. That means we try to push them away and forget about them.
However, Freud proposed, and worked with, a third element in the human mind . From infancy we are constantly faced with moral demands of our parents and of society. When we do anything wrong, our parents say ' Dont't do that!' or 'Naughty naughty, that's bad! Even when we are grown up, we retain the echo of such moral demands and judgements. It seems as though the world's moral expectations have become part of us. Freud called this is the superego .
Conscience is a component of the superego. But Freud claimed that the superego tells us when our desires themselves are bad or improper not least in case of erotic or sexual desores. And as we said earlier, Freud claimed that these improper desires already manifest themselves at an early stage of childhood.
Nowadays we know that infants like touching their sex organs. We can observe this on any beach. In Freud's time, this behaviour could result in a slap over the fingers of two or three year old, perhaps accompanied by the mother saying, 'Naughty!' or 'Don't do that!' or 'Keep your hands on the top of the covers!'. That's the begning of guilt feeling everything connected with sex organs and sexuality. Because this guilt feeling remains in the super ego, many people accoroding to Freud most people feel guilty about sex all their lives. At the same time he showed that sexual desires and needs are natural and vital for human beings. And thus, the stage is set for a lifelong conflict between desir and guilt.
Many patients that Freud experienced the conflict so acutely that they developed what Freud called neurosis. One of his many women patients, for example, was secretly love with her brother - in- law. When her sister died of an illness, she thought:' Now he is free to marry me!'. This thought was on course for a frontal collision with her superego, and was so monstrous an idea that she immediately repressed it, Freud tells us. In other words, she buried it deep in her unconscious. Freud wrote:' The young girl was ill and displaying several hysterical symptoms. When I began treating her it appeared she had thouroughly forgotten about the scene at her sister's bedside and the odious egoistic impulse had emerged in her. But during analysis she remembered it, and in a state of great agitation she reproduced the pathogenic moment and through this moment the treatment became cured.
So we can give a general description of human psyche. After many years of experience in trating patients, Freud concluded that the conscious constitutes only a small part of the human mind. The consciousis like the tip of the iceberg above sea level. Below the sea level or below the threshold of the conscious is the subconscious is the ' subconscious' or the unconscious

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